
Tundra Swan Migration 2018

The annual Tundra Spring Migration is just about over.  The swans left their winter home in Chesapeake Bay and started arriving here at the end of February.  This is the first stop on their journey to the Arctic.  They land in the wet farmers' fields where they can find food and rest up for the next stage of their journey.  Large groups of swans have been in the area for the past three weeks.  They're also in Aylmer, at a wildlife sanctuary where food and water are both available.


Unlike other years this time the light has been excellent, with blue skies, patches of cloud, and soft golden evening light rendering the swans even more beautiful.


They tend to fly in groups and can be heard long before they're seen.   Watching a large group of tundra swans flying overhead is an amazing sight.


These are large birds, almost 5 feet in length with a wingspan of 5-1/2 feet.  Males weigh in at 7.5 kg and females a little less at 6.3 kg.  They take their time in choosing a mate but once chosen they pair for life.


This group is taking off for the next stage of the journey west and north.


They're active on the water, interacting with each other, moving around, making loud sounds.  They run across the water as they prepare to fly from one section of the pond to another.  


Despite being large birds they land easily and elegantly, although sometimes nearby swans and geese get swamped.  Here three swans land among a group of resting swans and geese, and startle a dark morph snow goose into flight.  The goose flew a few feet away and quickly settled back down.


When the birds come in for landing they brace their legs, lower their rear ends, skim across the water for several yards leaving visible trails, and slowly retract their wings as they prepare for a resting position on the water.  The settling of the wings occurs gracefully over several seconds.


Several swans landing in the middle of a large group already on the water


A family of four arriving late in the day and getting ready to land.  The two younger birds, the ones with brown heads, were born in the Arctic last year and are undertaking their first migration north.  They remain with their parents for at least one full migration.


This year's migration is coming to a close.  As always I've enjoyed seeing and photographing these strong, beautiful birds.  I wish them well on the journey to their Arctic breeding grounds and look forward to seeing them again next year.


This Year's Sandhill Cranes

This is the second year I've photographed Sandhill Cranes.  These birds migrate north to nest and raise their young, and this year I followed a pair in Port Franks and another in The Pinery.  They are large and majestic, with plumage that blends with the grasses and wetland areas where they build their nests.  Sandhill Cranes are the only member of the crane family that is now off the endangered or threatened list as their population is slowly but steadily increasing.  In the wild they can live for 20 to 30 years.  


Cranes feature prominently in both Asian and Aboriginal art and symbolism.  They are associated with royalty, balance, grace and longevity.  It is believed that an encounter with a crane can be a powerful experience, pointing the way to the achievement of balance and good fortune.  Cranes are also depicted as creative, with an ability to focus, and as problem solvers and wise teachers.  They are seen as loyal.


Nest building occurs in the early spring when the wetlands are still covered in dead stalks, reeds and grasses from the previous year.  The nest is built close to the water and large enough to keep the eggs dry.  Normally two eggs are laid which will hatch in 29-32 days.


Sandhill Cranes mate for life.  Both parents build and maintain the nest, and both sit on the eggs.  When it's time to change places on the nest a specific set of behaviours occur.  The nesting bird stands up, bends down to the eggs, and moves them around a bit.  The other bird, usually some distance away, starts to walk toward the nest.  Once there, both adults spend time minding the eggs, cleaning up the immediate area and adding grasses and sticks to the nest.  The bird who had been feeding and wandering nearby settles down on the nest.  The other stays for a short while, eventually wanders off, and  then takes flight. 


Sometimes Sandhill Cranes are tolerant of other birds but often not.  I've seen them aggressively chase the Canada Geese away and yet the next day be indifferent, even when the geese are close to the nest or the chicks are near by.  If it's territorial behaviour it's not clear to me what triggers the aggressive mode. 


Many shots this year were taken from a canoe, and that offered closer and better access.  The birds were not concerned.  They ignored the canoe and its participants, giving us opportunity to photograph them closer than we could have done from land.  Seeing them up close made the experience even more powerful.


Once the chicks are hatched both parents remain close by.  Neither takes flight, both alert to what's happening with the chicks and on guard for predators.  The chicks, covered in soft yellow down, leave the nest within a few hours of hatching and are capable of swimming.  


They sleep under their mother's wings for three to four weeks.  In their first month they run, flap their wings and eat food provided by their parents.  In the second month they learn to dance and begin pre-flight training.  In the third month they learn to forage on their own, dance, practice take-off and landing skills, and fly with their parents.  By the end of the summer they are ready to migrate south with their parents.  But once they're fully mobile it's hard to find them.  


Cranes are known for their beautiful spirited dancing, something I've not yet seen.  As part of their mating behaviour they leap, run, twist their bodies and flap their wings in powerful movements.  One year I hope I'll be fortunate enough to see that.  But for this year I've spent more time watching and photographing them than the year before, I've seen the nests survive a wet spring and rising water levels, and watched the chicks get stronger and more active over the first ten days of their lives.  And seeing them cross the river, one parent leading and the chicks swimming close to the other parent, was wonderful.  I've learned more about them; It's  been a joyful few weeks.


Sandhill Cranes:  big, beautiful birds.  Symbols of longevity, loyalty, creativity and focus.  Having watched their behaviour I understand why.

Photographing Raptors

I've now had a chance to photograph raptors on two different occasions, and I'm hooked.  Seeing these large, beautiful birds up close is an amazing experience, and I know I'll be doing it many times.  These birds reside on a raptor conservancy in southern Ontario and many were raised there.  Some have been there for years, mating and raising their young.  Birds on site for rehabilitation and eventual release back to the wild are kept from the main group and are not available to photograph, their contact with people kept to a minimum.

Eagles are large.  They are strong, powerful and majestic.  These images of the Bald Eagle were taken in different locations on different days.

Bald Eagle at Rest on a Log

Bald Eagle at Rest on a Log

Bald Eagle Preparing to Land

Bald Eagle Preparing to Land

Skimming the Pond

Skimming the Pond

Those eagles are impressive, but it was the owls that really captured me.  Like the eagles they are strong and powerful, but they also have expressive faces and  beautiful markings.  I had an opportunity to see a variety of owls, each different in its own unique way.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl in Flight

Great Horned Owl in Flight

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl

The birds know their handlers and respond to them.  And the handlers treat them with care, kindness and respect.  It's a mutually beneficial arrangement.  The birds are given safety, security, shelter and food in exchange for a life that is less free.  They are well treated.  They could fly away each time they're released, but they don't.

Barn Owl

Barn Owl

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Great Grey Owl

Great Grey Owl

Great Grey Owl

Great Grey Owl

The hawks and falcons are smaller and so very fast.  Photographing them is an even greater challenge.

American Kestrel

American Kestrel

Red Tailed Hawk

Red Tailed Hawk

I'm not a bird photographer and I struggled to get the settings right.  I took a lot of shots and finally started to get the hang of it.  But there's a lot to learn.  And sometimes I just put the camera down and simply watched these beautiful creatures.

I'll be looking for more opportunities to photograph raptors.  And in the meantime I'll learn as much as I can about them.